Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jargs... yarg

Religious jargon gets people lost in translation.
I hope that a bad translator will never end up becoming a diplomat between warring countries because then we'd have a lot of dumber wars than we have now.

That being said, words like "Grace," "gospel," "Jesus," can be such flimsy words without understanding the substance behind them. This is why I think the Bible records so much detail about things like ceremonies, rituals, rules and regulations... they're so long and tedious. These are the old requirements to approach God. This is why we need to understand our separation before we can value our fellowship.

This is why we need to be single for a while so we can value our marriage.
This is why we need to understand people before we judge them.

This is why understanding context is so important in all of life.

Context first... conclusions second. Or else, dumb conclusions.

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